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#51 02/14/2018 at 13:18

Absynthe Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 039

Please, if someone managed to win the minigame, PM me xD You are legends and deserve all the respect it's just too difficult!! I encountered 4 bullets all in different directions, so I lost the hearts all at once :-:

I understand the people who made the game need money to pay the people who work at it but BRUH at least give another try? Or don't make impossible shots, it was literally impossible for me to avoid that attack... I doubt I'll be able to complete even only one outfit...

Thank you tho, but I'm a bit frustrated :c


#52 02/14/2018 at 13:19

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 11

So... I tried to play the mini-game everyone is talking about, I couldn't even do it!

It crashed and burned and not one little piece of those amazing outfits! And I can't even replay it!!

Not really liking this Valentine event so far...

Last edited by Gillome (02/14/2018 at 13:19)


#53 02/14/2018 at 13:21

Young Recruit
Posts: 22

The Valentine's Day event this year is really interesting and I like some pieces from the outfits but the mini game is so hard. It's too fast to position properly. I guess this event isn't for me /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png


#54 02/14/2018 at 13:28

Shadow Guard
The Answer to Everything
Posts: 1 462

I really liked the outfits and the companion, thats the only good thing about the event so far.


As most of the other players have already pointed out, the minigame is pretty much impossible. What's even the point of trying when the spells come from different directions at the same time and the shield is extremely hard to control?
It's a big slap in the face for the people who don't want to spend real money, including myself.

Honestly, kinda lost interest  in this game. I was hoping that the event would make me want to play more again. Hah, guess not.

Last edited by Tsukii (02/14/2018 at 13:28)


#55 02/14/2018 at 13:34

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 425

This event is horrible. Worse than last year's Valentine's and Easter events. Event last year's summer event was better than this.

If you didn't want us to get the outfits, you could have just not had an event, instead of making such an unfair and unwinnable game.

o,..,o am snek. hiss.


#56 02/14/2018 at 13:45

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 25

I'm really disappointed...
the minigame is really hard and why in the shop, the old clothes of the Valentine's event are in gold coins?
We can't purchase a sock!


#57 02/14/2018 at 13:46

Obsidian Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 167

Ugh, my least favourite event so far...
Minigame is hard and doesn't work on phone :c
And I'm quite bad at the dialouge choosing

Outfits are pretty though


#58 02/14/2018 at 13:58

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 11

I love the outfits! Also love the event's story, saving a crush/lover from succubi and similar dangers has always been one of my favourite tropes~

The minigame crashed immediately though, as in the screen got stuck and I had no choice but to refresh after a few minutes of no change.

Does this have to do with the cache we need to empty? I'll have to google how to empty it because I have no idea ^^'

Visit my guardienne's and Nevra's pinterest boards! They're basically just big aesthetics/moodboards~




#59 02/14/2018 at 14:01

Shadow Guard
Vanquished a Chicken
Posts: 686

Wow, okay, I have accounts on the french, german and english page and was unable to win the mini-game ONCE. This is impossible. It's way too stressful and considering what's going on at the moment here, I'm really not that ambitious either. Everything seems to be made to make the players buy gold. (Yes, every game does this, but it's really noticeable on Eldarya... like, really)
I somehow managed to complete every Eldarya-Event up until now and I'm serious when I say that this is going to be the first one I'll skip (I'll only look for the illu-pieces) if it doesn't get changed...

You KNOW how to make good mini-games - I loved every event-mini-game on My Candy Love (the recent one is really fun!!!) - which is why I really do not understand why the event-mini-games on Eldarya are so unnecessarily difficult to complete.


#60 02/14/2018 at 14:17

Shadow Guard
Soldier of the Guard
Posts: 533

I really love all the outfits this year. They're all pretty gorgeous, especially Nevra's. That said, I too am having trouble with the minigame... It's not even that I think it's impossibly difficult, it's just so disheartening that we can only give it a shot once a day. We don't even get a practice round, so of course we fail at an unfamiliar game.


#61 02/14/2018 at 14:20

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 65

Nice! Thank you!

But the minigame is broken, I was getting hit from opposite sides
at the same time, this makes it impossible.

"Acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good." - Martyr Logarius


#62 02/14/2018 at 14:41

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 138

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Wait! So let me get this straight...
I waited almost an entire YEAR for this event to resurface only to be disappointed quite tremendously.

Is this an early April Fool's joke because if it is, you did an EXCELLENT joke at making me worry but if it's not....
......I'm not laughing /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png ......

I literally waited almost a year for this event because I was hoping I could
buy the clothing items I missed last year only to find out that THEY'RE
ALL IN GC!!! How upsetting and cruel! GC can be obtain in PURCHASES only!
I don't see why last year's clothing items are GC.

This is really starting to turn into a game that's ONLY design to make money.

The mini-game isn't fun either. I failed as soon as it started. D8>
The shield is very hard to control. The bullets come at you from all directions at the same time. I can't control the shield enough to block the shots, it moves too quick. We can get points added to our gauge but that also cost GC PER 15 POINTS! Those are A LOT of GC! Was a test performed on the mini-game before y'all gave it to us?

There's several issues with this event. Looks more like a SCAM event if you asked me. I understand wholeheartedly that money is needed to keep the game running but this is pretty much robbery.

You really didn't think this event out throughly. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful for all the work you been doing and the effort you put into your work but THIS is a bit extreme. It's not fair to the people that ONLY plays on their phone, don't have money to purchase GC and THE NEW PLAYERS.

The outfits are very lovely, I don't know if I'll be able to obtain any because of the way this event is set up. I can see why so many players choose MCL over EL. The event over on MCL is even more better than the year before. Every 3 hours you get 3 chances (I believe...). At first I thought it was difficult but had 2 more chances to get an understanding how to operate the game. 1 boy a day? 1 chance a day? How am I suppose to get an understanding on how to operate the arrow keys better when I get one chance a day and can't purchase another one. -_-

I'm positive I'm not the only one that feels this way, several people do even the one's on the French. This is so upsetting.

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Last edited by Laí (02/14/2018 at 14:42)


#63 02/14/2018 at 14:47

Shadow Guard
Posts: 34

Welp. I don't have a pc, so no items for me it seems. D:


#64 02/14/2018 at 14:51

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 13

Okay.. First, I agree up to a point about the difficulty of the game. yes it is hard but it is not impossible. Maybe you find the controls a bit off at first, but if you get used to them they are fine. And the shield covers more than I thought! I could use its corners too, so I was able to protect from multiple hits. Although, as @BlackPaperMoon said, it would've been helpful to have a practice round before starting the game for everyone to get used to the controls.

What I found really difficult was to protect the hearts while 2 projectiles came at the same time from opposite directions and I think this is also a reason why everyone find the game so hard. I don't know if you can win without getting any hits at all! (if any of you did, you are awesome xD) Maybe the team can work a bit at this aspect for everyone to enjoy the game (or at least to take this into consideration for future events).

Second, the outfits are really cool and people work hard for the event and it should be appreciated, even if the mini-games are not up to everyone's expectations.

and at last, the usual apology of making grammatical mistakes because English it's not my first language. xP

Last edited by Yiume (02/14/2018 at 15:46)

Do you believe a world of happy endings?

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#65 02/14/2018 at 14:53

Young Recruit
Posts: 10

I, like many others are disappointed with this event. For starters the controls for the mini game is horrible. Even just slightly hitting a key makes it move far to much. The main way to get points is because of the mini game. To be truthful this feels more like a money grab. Players that have gold are really the only ones who would be able to have a chance to get the event items. I'm over all saddened with this event. /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png


#66 02/14/2018 at 15:17

Shadow Guard
Posts: 32

I'm not the only one but I too find the mini game's controls way too sensitive to the point I really don't know where the shield will end up even if I just tap the arrow key. Controlling the game by mouse would seem way easier and sensible. I do like a challenge but this seems to be more due too luck than actual practice and skill like for example the game that's going on right now in Sweet crush (the valentine's dance game that is difficult but not impossible)

Loving the outfits though, let's see if I can get any of them.

Last edited by Lunaliana (02/14/2018 at 15:21)

I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right


#67 02/14/2018 at 15:24

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 3

I love the outfits, but the controls for the minigame are just awful! I lost almost instantly! I can handle a game being hard because it's difficult, but a game being hard because the controls are poor is really not acceptable...


#68 02/14/2018 at 15:33

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 3

Wow I love this event! The random dialog choice is kind of sad though. I don't like my chance of getting an item being purely luck based, and the game is pretty difficult I doubt you can win without getting a hit in. That being said I don't think it's nearly as bad as some people are saying, it just takes some getting used to as with any game. Plus the outfits are gorgeous!!! The old event items being only for GC I get it too. It's kind of like a way to reward players that have been around since the beginning by making those early items less common. They did that with the last two events if you didn't notice, so I don't see a problem. Keep doing what you're doing guys!  /static/img/forum/smilies/big_smile.png


#69 02/14/2018 at 15:37

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 11

I really wanted to give this game the benefit of the doubt, especially with sooo many people complaining, but this is ridiculous. This is going to be the first event I wasn't able to 100%.Losing a game because it's difficult but not impossible is one thing, but losing a game because it's obscenely difficult, the controls are poor, it doesn't work properly, AND there are scenarios where it literally is unbeatable? That's beyond unacceptable, especially when the only other option is to give the game money. At this point, fixing the game doesn't fix the problem since we've already missed a few days. I'm really disappointed that I might not even be able to get a single outfit since all three of them are gorgeous and the illustration is lovely. And the companion is completely out of the question I've already blown that.This is beyond disappointing; it's utterly discouraging and frustrating. The worst event you guys have done.

Last edited by Drucila (02/16/2018 at 14:59)


#70 02/14/2018 at 16:02

Young Recruit
Posts: 22

@Rosalynda I've been here since the launch of the English version, I collected all of the clothing items from last year's event in colours I thought I liked, but now I don't anymore. I don't think those clothes are oh-so-special because only x number of people have them, I think it's kind of a punishment for new players that they can only buy the items with GC. "Oh, you were not registered/missed the event last year? Too bad, now give me your money." And it's not true that they have done the GC thing with the Halloween and Christmas event items, as it was possible to get a lot of those either with exploration or with maana. Sorry if I sound harsh or bitter, I don't mean to, I'm just really disappointed and feel that it's not fair that if I want to have the full event experience, I should buy GC, otherwise I'd miss the clothes or the companion. And not just me, but other players as well.


#71 02/14/2018 at 16:03

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 385

Ok so first of all the outfits are gorgeous. Like seriously amazing, I want all of them in multiple colours.

But I do think the event set up is a bit silly.

I'm not going to panic just yet about getting everything, because we do have 15 days, and who knows? Maybe the big boss battle will be quite easy.

If we can get 15 per boy for the boss battle that equals 5 outfit pieces over the course of the event per boy (15/3 = 5 chances at the boss).
If we can get the 5 speech bonuses, that's 50 points per boy and another 3 outfit pieces, with 5 points left over.
That means we only need to get another 25 points from the minigame over the 15 days, which means if we have 1 heart left on 9/15 days, we will have enough to get everything.

In saying that, I do think it's a bit tight.  I think BeeMoov have made a mistake in only allowing the minigame to be played once per day, and I think it's unfair to cause so much panic among their players. I hope they will consider increasing the event by at least three days (allowing one more boss round, and one second chance per boy for the dialogue challenge) to ease the pressure on everyone.

Last edited by Moodle (02/14/2018 at 16:38)


#72 02/14/2018 at 16:09

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 34

Kind of a shame that we need to play mini game to get all pieces e.e i played it on 4 other servers and lost 3 times and crashed once o-o
after doing a calculation roughly assuming we win the succubus battle mini game & get the 10+ point question right in the dialouge
its 110 for the first 2 boys you pick and 100 for the last one throughout the course of the event and theres 150 in there bars meaning the shield mini game is worth the remainder 50 points e,e
and thats kinda assuming we dont unlock a 4th boy like valentines and easters events last year which would require us to need more points o-o ......outfits are pretty though im in love valkyons hairsyle

Last edited by Seerah (02/14/2018 at 16:29)

                   My Companions:
                 Mystique, Ciralak
                 Scarlet, Rowtsya
               Lamiria, Blobbiathan


#73 02/14/2018 at 16:29

Obsidian Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 212

What annoys me about the event. Is that you can only play the minigame, once a day. Why not every 3 hours like the mini game for my candy love?


#74 02/14/2018 at 16:39

Posts: 38

the outfits look very pretty, and this event is interesting! Although, I cannot get the game to play at ALL and the whole site barely runs now /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png


*:~My Tumblr~:*



#75 02/14/2018 at 16:41

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 7

Don´t get me wrong, I´m so thankful for this event and I love the outfits.....but PLEASE edit the event or future events so that you can play the mini-game multiple times a day. It´s very hard and slow only being able to do it once a day. /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png


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