Ok so first of all the outfits are gorgeous. Like seriously amazing, I want all of them in multiple colours.
But I do think the event set up is a bit silly.
I'm not going to panic just yet about getting everything, because we do have 15 days, and who knows? Maybe the big boss battle will be quite easy.
If we can get 15 per boy for the boss battle that equals 5 outfit pieces over the course of the event per boy (15/3 = 5 chances at the boss).
If we can get the 5 speech bonuses, that's 50 points per boy and another 3 outfit pieces, with 5 points left over.
That means we only need to get another 25 points from the minigame over the 15 days, which means if we have 1 heart left on 9/15 days, we will have enough to get everything.
In saying that, I do think it's a bit tight. I think BeeMoov have made a mistake in only allowing the minigame to be played once per day, and I think it's unfair to cause so much panic among their players. I hope they will consider increasing the event by at least three days (allowing one more boss round, and one second chance per boy for the dialogue challenge) to ease the pressure on everyone.
Last edited by Moodle (02/14/2018 at 16:38)