I think they should have done it like the 2018 christmas event: this year's and last years's outfit on map and in shop, past years's outfits only in shop.
#127 10/29/2019 at 16:02
For the most art I am pleased with this years Halloween event. My only complaint is the same one I've had about other events from this year - no way to get past event outfits, not even by purchase. I missed a lot of the outfits from the 1st year of US release because I did not know much about events back then so it would be great if we could at least purchase them in the event shop with Maana.
#128 10/29/2019 at 16:06
The previous Halloween events' items are available for sale in the market. Just buy them.Setaria wrote
I'm annoyed that you can only find last year's outfits via exploration but not from other past Halloween events. Since I missed previous Halloween outfits I was happy to get a chance to get them. This year they are removed.This bites.
Err, you do realise that if the maps contained all of the previous events' items too, you'd have an even harder time collecting the stuff you actually want? Say, for example you want a few copies of the new Sibylle hair- well tough luck, here's some old stuff, that you can buy in the market for cheap, instead! The reason the items are appearing less in this event is not due to a lack of clothes on the map, but due to Beemoov making the drop rates low. How's that the other players' fault lmao.Setaria wrote
Hope you guys are happy with less items snd making them appear less -_-
Except other players understand that the fault completely lies with Beemoov. They don't point their fingers at innocent players. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Setaria wrote
"The company didn't do what you want so get over it" yet people still complain anyways. Let me rant about it so I can get over it later.
Firstly, if they don't have any so-called value, in your opinion, then what's stopping you from buying them from the market? Oh wait, you plan on saying that players overprice them on the market? But doesn't that mean that there is some value to them, if you can't just get them with a snap of your fingers? Huh.Setaria wrote
About the "value" of items its just stupid. There is no "value" to them. Its just clothes that are optional and don't affect your gameplay.
Also if they're "optional and don't affect your gameplay" then one, why are you so peeved about not getting the previous items? I mean, after all, they don't affect your gameplay. Why do you want some clothes, with no value, when it doesn't affect your gameplay?
Also you're wrong. The clothes do affect gameplay. Eldarya is an otome game and dress up is often an essential part of otome gameplay. This makes clothes valuable to players like me, who only spend their time dressing up their avatar. Earning clothes and dressing up my avatar is my only form of gameplay on this website. Clothes hold the most value to me than anything else on this site. Don't tell me what does and does not affect my gameplay, thanks.
The reason I have items sitting in my closet and the reason why I haven't sold my old Halloween stuff, even some rarer stuff that I don't want because it doesn't fit my preferred colour scheme, on the market is because Beemoov kept re-releasing old Halloween outfits on the event map each year. This meant that if I sold something, there's a chance my companion would be able to get this item again in next year's Halloween event, decreasing my chance of actually finding the new items. (Plus if I've sold it because I disliked it, why would I give myself the unpleasant chance of my companion finding it again in next year's event?) At least, that's how I assume the event exploration works. If I'm wrong then someone please correct me.Setaria wrote
Once you have that "rare" item it just sits there in your closet and you forget about that item eventually either there is a better item or you get tired of this game. So why make it a big deal if there is too many?
First of all, you're being overdramatic. Just because they didn't re-release all of the previous events' outfits doesn't erase the fact that you still have the chance to win last year's stuff plus an old outfit that used to be exclusive and only available for gold coins. That last comment- man, I'm actually metaphorically face palming. Like, seriously? Wouldn't you say that Beemoov removing old stuff from the event map actually gives you a fair chance of getting all of this year's items too? Because if the map was oversaturated with old items you'd have a lesser chance of getting this event's new stuff compared to players who have the advantage of already owning a number of the old stuff? Just go buy the old stuff from the market. Or don't. Because they're jUsT cLoThEs aNd dOn'T aFfEcT yOuR gAmEpLaY aNd hAvE nO vAlUe.Setaria wrote
Eldarya I believe is the only beemoov game to my knowledge that brings back old event items and that's the only the few things I like about this game now it looks like they'll get rid of that. Sorry we are not pros like you or rich in maana to get everything in a new event.

#129 10/29/2019 at 16:35
Personally I believe that they should have left previous years' event items in the shop for maana in order to make the most players happy. This way you can find and buy the color variant of the item you want without having to stalk the market hoping for a specific color of a specific item for a price you can afford.
I check the market frequently for some of the items that I want. I either never see them or they're always the wrong color, or they're too expensive. "Just buy them" is a little hard to do if you can't find/afford what you want.
It would be better if they added all the previous event items to the shop each year for every event (they just don't do that for some reason). Halloween and Christmas were the 2 that they DID do that for before.
I would like more items on the map. There would be fewer empty explorations. It wouldn't quite equate to previous years when every exploration brought back 2 items every single time, but just adding the mission outfit as we unlocked it would be an improvement.
#130 10/29/2019 at 16:54
Off the top of my head there was over 300 things in one map location when they had everything on the map and that was the year before last I think cause last year they put the oldest stuff in the store for maana and gc and had newer stuff on the map along with that years...i get why new ppl are mad at missing out but blaming other ppl isn't right...it's not our fault for the state of the event, its beemoov...the event maps are their biggest lure for anyone sick of the story and from where I'm sitting they've done us wrong this year...one map outfit and tossing last year's gc outfit on the map isn't cool at all
#131 10/29/2019 at 17:53
My complaints for this event is that
1. I couldn't get the ciralik (sp?) I finally had enough GC to get one and they didn't put it in the shop and
2.Seems like you can get everything at every location and I've only run into the new companion twice and both times were failed capture (anyone know the actual location of where it is? or does it matter?)
#132 10/29/2019 at 18:49
Proof that this years' Halloween Event is one of the events with fewer items we're getting via exploration...
Halloween 2019: I have 40 items from the Fortune Teller outfit, and 19 items of the Stained-Glass Widow outfit. +8 of the Necromancer.
Total of 40+19+8=67 items...
Mean of items gotten per outfit=22.3
Halloween 2018: 50 of the individual items, 72 of the Twisted Harpy, 69 of the Veiled Claws, 63 of the Nightmare Chivalry Outfit.
Total of 50+72+69=191 items
Mean of the items gotten per outfit=47.25
Xmas 2018: 69 of the Magicold girl outfit, 63 of the Queen of the North, 40 of the Disco Ice Skater, 22 of the Winter warrior outfit, 2 backgrounds.
Total of 63+69+40+22+2=196 items
Mean of the items gotten per outfit=49
And yes, I know that this year we got also items from last year that might up to the number, but not for christmas and I haven't gotten more than 15 of 2018 halloween items this year even...
The difference is whooping... The drop rate has been reduced to the half (22.3 items found per outfit against 47.25) I don't think they put enough effort on it this year...
Come on, my companion is coming most of the times with empty hands.
And we don't have any eyes, mouths or skins this year also.
Well, thanks for the event tho I guess, it's still free to playanyways, but the game isn't as enjoyable so I wouldn't be surprised if people get tired of putting money in this game for this little effort.
@Evelina - I mean from the new outfits, like there are no new ones, just last year's...
Last edited by Vaihanai (10/29/2019 at 18:57)

#133 10/29/2019 at 18:54
@Vaihanai, we actually do have at least mouths and eyes this year, as I've got both by exploring. (It's still such a sad amount of items tho)
Edit: Ohh yeah, that's true
Last edited by Evelina (10/30/2019 at 01:57)
#134 10/30/2019 at 00:45
Well, I'm irritated that because I didn't get the illustrations the first time through, I can't get the event companion without spending GC. It would've been nice to be able to retry the answers we got wrong.
#136 10/30/2019 at 00:55
How exactly do you get the Fallen Angel outfit?
#137 10/30/2019 at 01:50
Vivian wrote
ShiftyGhost wrote
Well, I'm irritated that because I didn't get the illustrations the first time through, I can't get the event companion without spending GC. It would've been nice to be able to retry the answers we got wrong.
I second this. As a gold-broke player, some other options, like retrying (for a maana price, perhaps?), would have been nice. Or at least a lower gc price for buing the illustration when failed. Now I'm missing one illustration fragment from one illustration, and I should pay 150 gc if I wanted to obtain it in order to get the exclusive companion. No can do... even a touch of Midas can't help me now. :'(
@SummerFairy you need to do purchases in the bank to get 1500 recharge points (1 maana = 1 point, 1 gc = 3 points), i.e., spend real money to get the Fallen ANgel outfit. The amount of recharge points' value is from the French server's bank banner (because I only see a broken image icon on our server).
Bank banner on the French server
Last edited by Zherriel (10/30/2019 at 01:53)
#138 10/30/2019 at 02:42
I got all the pics except Miiko so I'm satisfied lool didn't wanna save her in the first place and idc about the pet either but 150gc just for one fragment is bs..also the script really got on my nerves...professional writers shouldn't be using epithets...it reads like a fan fiction from someone who doesn't know the rules of writing...for the prices beemoov charges on this game I expect professional quality writing...some ppl may say cut them a break or whatever but I say to them would they cut an author slack after buying their books?? They wouldn't and this is no different...beemoov isn't doing this for fun they're a company that charges ppl for content and to that end we should get a basic level of writing that's above unpublished fan fiction writers who aren't doing it for a paycheck..."the necromancer"?? "the obsidian"?? We shouldn't see those anywhere in this story but they were all over it which begs the question where did they get their writers and why don't they know basic writing rules than any aspiring author can find on tumblr let alone through Google?? They want our money with this substandard offering they gave us?? Stfu and gtfo
#139 10/30/2019 at 03:12
Zherriel wrote
Vivian wrote
ShiftyGhost wrote
Well, I'm irritated that because I didn't get the illustrations the first time through, I can't get the event companion without spending GC. It would've been nice to be able to retry the answers we got wrong.
I second this. As a gold-broke player, some other options, like retrying (for a maana price, perhaps?), would have been nice. Or at least a lower gc price for buing the illustration when failed. Now I'm missing one illustration fragment from one illustration, and I should pay 150 gc if I wanted to obtain it in order to get the exclusive companion. No can do... even a touch of Midas can't help me now. :'(
@SummerFairy you need to do purchases in the bank to get 1500 recharge points (1 maana = 1 point, 1 gc = 3 points), i.e., spend real money to get the Fallen ANgel outfit. The amount of recharge points' value is from the French server's bank banner (because I only see a broken image icon on our server).Bank banner on the French server
I'm also in agreement here when it comes to the illustrations. I missed 1 fragment for one of the illustrations, and having to pay 150g is beyond offensive for such a small thing.
If they were able to give another chance through the payment of maana, or even 10-50g per illustration fragment, it would be better.
I had hoped with the previous event that Beemoov was starting to learn, but they've just fallen back on to their money grabbing habits without caring for those of us who can't afford to spend real money. I am completely disappointed in them.
#140 10/30/2019 at 03:27
150 gold coins for a missed illustration piece? Why?? Probably one of the worst ideas ever.
And I still hate the fact Stained-Glass Widow set is now available in the explorations, because it used to be a gold-only, store exclusive set... And I did buy it (most parts) last year, so the fact everyone can get it now makes me a bit salty. Not so exclusive anymore... But I guess it was expected, Beemoov has previously made exclusive clothes available for everyone (I'll never forget the Hooray bouquet with original "event exclusive only" clothing variation, not to mention the charatcer cosplays...)

#141 10/30/2019 at 04:43
I agree with everyone here about the ONE missing fragment for an illust for SO MUCH GC!!!
That's a load of BS dude...
#142 10/30/2019 at 04:47
A long comment from someone who doesn't comment much...
I am disappointed with the event. Knowing now that my favorite events will be this way saddens me. I find it hard to believe people would rather be limited in outfits but get a mini-episode, than find three with a little exploration. I think obtaining the companion and illustrations through the episode would have been fun, but the outfit should have been added to the map.
To me, the story was poorly written with quite a "fanfic" style. Too many unnecessary adjectives. It just didn't pull me in. But, I can understand why others enjoyed it. I felt it to be a mean move on beemoov's part to hide the results of the illustrations until the end. I also find it a little odd almost everyone seems to be missing one illustration piece. Although, as far as I can see, if you pay for one piece you complete the event and get the prize/pet. I'm not sure, it seems like you're paying for the pet and the shard.
What bothers me most...I think removing some of the old items from previous years was fine. I was one who requested you/beemoov to do so. I only asked because each year had another 3 outfits with roughly 30 new pieces in countless colors added to the map. It was too much. I thought that was better, but I expected 3 new outfits each year. To remove old outfits and not replace them with an equal quantity of new was pointless. Since there are so few options, the drop rate is horrible.
I ask you beemoov, if you read this, ask the users which old outfits they would like on the Christmas map.
Lastly, I am divided on the Stained-Glass outfit. I think it was a smart move to add it to the map seeing as you/beemoov didn't provide the normal quantity. It would entice players to explore and participate in the event, while distracting from the truth. My issue: why would you sabotage your own site by effectively telling paying customers they're using their real world money to get an outfit in advance? What I mean is, by including the Stained-Glass Widow, you're communicating to your players that there is a high probability you'll include an exclusive outfit in the maps next year.
If people think this way, wouldn't they be less likely to buy the "exclusive" outfits? They'll know they can wait a year and get them for free. I also feel it's a betrayal to the paying customers. I wouldn't want what I payed for offered to others for free. But that is where I am divided. I also feel like my voice wasn't heard and you've only made the Stained-Glass outfit available because you fell short this year.
It's a frustrating event. I finished with 2 illustrations, neither I really wanted. I'm not going to pay for another illustration piece. I'm underwhelmed, but I understand why others enjoy this event. It's different. I liked Halloween and Christmas because they were easy, no missions.
I don't want to start any drama. I understand all your opinions, please understand mine.
i've been here a while, i just don't post.
#143 10/30/2019 at 05:47
150 gold coins for the one illustration I don't have is utterly ridiculous.
#144 10/30/2019 at 07:45
So.. I won't be able to finish the event unless I pay 150 gc for the last illustration, since I made one wrong choise?
Just great.
Anyhow, I still enjoyed this event. More than the alchemy ones atleast.

#145 10/30/2019 at 08:20
Negative points from this event:
Old items are not in the shop. Why? I didn't mention this in my first post, but it is a shame to not place old items in the shop. Last year's shops were better because players could buy old items in the colors they wanted from the shop.
Gold only set on the map. It just leaves a bad taste. Some might find it great, others not. It's just... a shame.
This year's gold only set is not as great as the other two (one free on the map now).
Item drop rate is the lowest so far even if You added fewer items on the map. Most of us know that it has to do with You not wanting to set a higher drop rate. It is the reason some players do not like the map portion. Shame.
Items dropping at any given location on the map. Yes, I am placing this as a negative point. This only makes it harder to find items we want and the companion and its bait.
The new companion doesn't appear much either. Same for the bait (of which I am allowed only one at a time?). Another shame.
Event story. This was the new feature for Halloween 2019 yet I feel we got robbed because of it. The map suffered, You lowered the drop rate, removed the chance bar, and the sets aren't that great nor do they have the Halloween feel as previous sets.
A lot of epithets. You really don't need them. If you really want to use some then a few would be ok...
Not telling that we can't find the new backgrounds on the map. They are shop exclusive it seems.
Neutral point:
150 gold coins for any missed illustration. If a player missed two that would be 300 gold coins. Maybe it's the price for the companion we get if we finish all of the tasks? Because eggs at the shop tend to cost that much or even higher.
Backgrounds are for mana too so those who want them can get them.
They look really nice.
Missed chance:
Use Cornelia in the main story instead.
This just gave me so many ideas. The main story could've played differently and been more interesting with her in it. She could still be included after the whole Leiftan ordeal if you continue the game by that time.
Despite the event story not being interesting for me, the new characters were.
Last edited by Minah (10/30/2019 at 10:55)
#146 10/30/2019 at 10:34
All I got was the Valkyon Illustration, I'm so annoyed. I wanted Nevra's at the least but I didn't get the answers until 2 or 3 days into the Event. I don't have any GC. Why couldn't we pay with Maana or something?

#147 10/30/2019 at 11:14
I loved the event, and that beemoov has gone back to story-based events. The outfit is lovely and I really like the event collectable outfit. I'm always reluctant to give hate as I know you worked hard for all the events you create and mycandylove events were broken because of it.
However, 150g for ONE illusion fragment is ridiculous, maybe for all 3 fragments but not one. Especially when you don't find out until the end of the event. A better compromise would be to allow you to retry the dialogue choices as mycandylove does. This would give Free2Play players the chance because without guides, you'd be completely lost, or at least need 1350g to pay for the illusions.
I was even more disappointed when I realised that I needed all the illusions to get the companion as I hadn't "finished" the event. The thing is, I DID finish the event, I got to the end of the story and only made a mistake once! I'm all for encouraging 100% completion (the inner completionist in me always wants to) but 150g+ is quite simply an insult to your longest players. I have invested in this game as with your others, but I won't pay to win, I never will.

#148 10/30/2019 at 11:49
Where is my companion?! I finished the event but I didn't get the exclusive legendary companion they promised at the end of the event! Did I have to do something additional to completing the story? In the dialogue there appeared that "I came back with a 'souvenir'", but in my inventory there is no companion! Which really pisses me off!

#149 10/30/2019 at 12:33
you need to get all 3 illustrations to claim the pet so if you missed any pieces you have to pay gcSaby-chan wrote
Where is my companion?! I finished the event but I didn't get the exclusive legendary companion they promised at the end of the event! Did I have to do something additional to completing the story? In the dialogue there appeared that "I came back with a 'souvenir'", but in my inventory there is no companion! Which really pisses me off!
#150 10/30/2019 at 13:12
Did anyone even get all answers correct?