I find it quite amusing that while we had all the current LI's in the event story, only 3 of them are actually in the illustration. Guess it was decided that Lance needed to be shafted in order to include Erika (Guardian)
#102 11/04/2021 at 06:25
It's a shame that we were unable to get the community bar servers on ANY of the servers, I really wanted that companion T_T We could've needed a push here, Beemov! :<
The Russian server was so close at 97%.

Kaleidoscope no dream world ~ Paranoia Paranoia
#103 11/04/2021 at 06:30
Each correct choice and completed exploration will be counted in the community meter. Once the meter is full, the guardians on the server will receive the Legendary Sleipnhorz companion!
One thing I don't get..If the explorations were one of the requirement needed to increase the community meter, then, for what kind of reason did you removed it?
Doesn't make any sense.
Last edited by Thalia7 (11/04/2021 at 06:32)
#104 11/04/2021 at 06:45
I feel like this event was way too short. Missing only one day would mean being unable to complete the event without spending GC.
I did quite enjoy the stories, they were cute. The outfits are not my cup of tea, they don't feel Halloween-y to me.
Also, it's too bad we didn't manage to get the community meter bonus item. The companion is really cute and I hope it will return someday!
#105 11/04/2021 at 06:56
Hi. I usually don't comment on forums, because when I did it once I had a really bad experience but maybe I'm just too opinionated about things I really dislike about Eldarya, but this time I can't pipe it down. This fricking sucks! If they really didn't want to help servers and give meter a little push, would it really kill them to just give us a few more days, I mean shop and map are still active so... Seriously?! I really wanted this horse so bad. And I agree about pushing Lance aside in the illustration in favor of Erika, and to me it's just another painful reminder from Beemoov saying "this is NOT your character sweety, despite the fact that you named her and you make choices for her, this will NEVER be your character, if you don't like it make your own story!" well maybe I will Beemoov maybe I will, especially as I'm still mad at how they treated Valkyon.
Last edited by Melaney (11/04/2021 at 06:59)
#106 11/04/2021 at 07:52
I generally don't post here, but i have to say, the event was waay to short. I couldn't finish it! The restoring took forever. Honestly another day or two would have been nice!
#107 11/04/2021 at 10:25
Has anyone over all the serves sent Beemove a message regarding this issue? Since none of the servers managed to fill the meter in time, it means that the problem wasn't with us, but with them, the event was faulty. At least, if they don't want to give us the pet, they should come to know that this type of event requires more time and thus, give us a better length for the upcoming Christmas event.

#108 11/04/2021 at 11:22
I've also got to say something that really annoys me.
Why did we have to get rid of so many haircolors but now every single event there is hair with multiple colors??? That's terrible and just doesn't make any sense. First of, I dislike most colored hairstyles because we don't event get to choose a variation.
There is only a single option now for each "main color" and usually I get some wonky green or orange with it, that doesn't fit any clothing pieces/style I use. So it makes the hair useless.
If you are going to make multi-colored hairs, simply give every main color a second version that is ONE COLOR. So we can decide if the added shade works for us or not.
And again, why not bring all colors back if you are wasting time with creating hairstyles with two colors anyway??
It makes so little sense I'm lost for braincells.. xD
Last edited by Cailin (11/04/2021 at 11:23)
#109 11/04/2021 at 14:01
Welp, just my luck, I COMPLETELY forgot that the exploration map was gonna be available for more days after the main event was over and bought all the missing items in maana (that I actually wanted, not every piece) from the Loki outfit in the main color I wanted right before the end of the main part of the event, bc I panicked, lmao. Woe is me, I guess.
I'm just gonna keep exploring randomly and getting whatever at this point, I already have my preferred colors for almost all the other outfits in exploration from the previous events.
On to the review of the event - This event was WAY TOO SHORT, fam. Like Beemoov come on, really?? The two actions thing would have been fine if you gave us a FEW DAYS of grace to get things wrong and still get everything. Not only missing 2 answers to get the outfit, and missing only 1 answer to get everything. The fact that they haven't learned from the past complaints on timing is pretty irritating. I will preface by saying I always use guides to get the answers in these events. I don't have the patience to do trial and error when I pay no real money for this game (and the only money I spend is for MCL events on the "first recharge", where I just spend the least amount of money to get the bank outfit, IF I like it). I literally used a guide and I still almost didn't get to finish the dialogues bc I mis-clicked on one of my answers. If I had missed any more answers on accident, I would not have gotten the illustration, and only gotten the full outfit. That's terrible game event design if even the "short-cutters" can almost not finish the event, lmao.
For exploration - There is zero reason for us to only be getting 2 items in exploration when there's over 200 items in EACH location. None. We should be getting at least 4 or 5 pieces, most outfits, and maybe a bait or food once in a while (WHERE was the food, fam??). And the fact that there was an issue with the beginning of the event where people were only getting 1 piece per exploration, is even worse (I had apparently only started exploring after that issue was fixed, I think). If the reasoning for putting everything back in exploration after already retiring old outfits was bc of the previous fire causing the server reset for certain peeps, then that's even MORE of a reason to be giving our companions 4-5 pieces per exploration.
The outfits - meh. I personally am not fond of any of the armored type outfits we've had in Eldarya. It's just not the style I like, or the aesthetic I want for my Avatar (which is based on one of my OCs). Other people like it though, so the Lava outfit isn't bad, I just don't care much for it except for the Underwear piece and the Wig (plus there was no fully Black option, so I liked it even less, lol).
For the Loki outfit - I may get flamed for this, but while I understand some people don't like when other people's intellectual property is used without credit, what I don't understand is why people get so angry when non-large corporation games, companies, etc use existing very popular characters or people to add outfits to their dress up games, or dress up parts of their games as what is essentially cosplay.... for Halloween... (unless it's problematic like racist, homophobic, cultural appropriation, etc). And this is coming from me as an Artist as well. Something as popular as an iconic figure (like the Marilyn Monroe outfit in MCL), or Disney (the Ariel based outfits in MCL), or Marvel (Loki here) is practically common use and usually seen as free advertisement unless the company actually cares that you're selling it for profit (striking youtube videos with their music in them, for example). Those very large corporations will not be harmed or lose profit by a small game having cosplay in their dress up section . I also usually see it as roughly the same as an artist making fanart, keychains, digitally edited posters, merch, etc using existing characters from movies, shows, Anime, etc. And we even sell those artworks and merchandise for profit and normally people don't bat an eye. This Loki outfit isn't even being sold, it's not a bank outfit. It's just there to find in exploration. It being renamed to something else is the equivalent of a food Instagram page using Oreos in a recipe and calling the ingredient "chocolate cream cookies" instead of just saying Oreos, for copyright purposes for the name brand, but instead they may just be doing it for consistency in the game aesthetic (It wouldn't make sense for a game set in a different world, even though Earth is mentioned, for an outfit to be called "Loki", it's not fun, lol)... However, I will agree that using 2 "cosplays" in an event for a game that's supposed to be unique is lazy and unoriginal. They clearly half-a**ed this event overall. Also, imagine having an "origins villain" outfit as a bank outfit, and the man ain't even in the dang illustration, like what...
For the story - It was pretty cute hearing them tell stories. I haven't played any of the New Era, and I'm nowhere near done with Origins (I'm only on episode like 6 or 7, which was the original requirement to use the Market) so I would not have known how answer any of these questions on my own, hence me stating before that I always use guides. Nothing too great with the premise, but it was cute.
#110 11/04/2021 at 15:34
LMAO, I totally forgot the Event was gonna end last night. Especially since the map is still up~ But whatever, I never cared about the Event from the start and there's barely anything to say about it. Worst Event of the year by far.
Event: Awful. Story based with only two chances per day? Barely any days to even do this Event means it was pretty much impossible to win the full outfit unless you got perfect answers every time. I didn't use a guide because my enthusiasm for this event was non-existent and I barely cared about the outfits. By the time I even knew a guide was out, it was already too late.
Outfits: Didn't care about any of them.
Companions: Don't remember what they looked like.
Illustration: Never saw it.
Overall: 0/10, forgettable, uneventful, not interesting, no incentive to try
Last edited by Maoyui (11/04/2021 at 15:34)

#111 11/04/2021 at 16:32

It's ironic how right I was in the beginning. In my first post about this event I noted how short the event seemed to be. 7 days. That gives us almost no time to give a wrong answer or collect enough from the map. Secondly I stated that it was ridiculous how they only made us collect ONE item from each exploration and even after changing it for us to be able to find TWO in total, it still isn't enough. I'm not trying to be greedy here, it just doesn't make sense considering most places have 200+ items, each. I have yet completed the whole Loki outfit because even if I use a guide to send my companion to places in which hold items I've yet to collect, my companion brings home crappy (imo ugly) accessories instead from previous years. Items I've stocked in my attic ages ago because they don't fit my aesthetics. While discussing the exploration map I want to point out that even though I'm using a guide to send my companion to the exact same spot, I've yet collected a certain dress I've been wanting more color variations in. All I'm getting is hair and eyes in different colors. Which I don't care about. I've literally spent 140 energy (sending it out 9 times) on one place and not even one color variation of that dress have been collected. And no one is selling that dress on the market.
For someone who lost everything on the French server I don't see myself being able to collect it all considering the amount we're getting when sending our companion out. I did indeed buy most things in the color variations I liked and had before the fire incident - there's still so much missing. And although they extended the exploration map-part of the event to end the 7th I still feel cheated on in a way. The fact that we first had to point out to them that getting only ONE item per 10/15 energy was unfair (idk if it was a bug or not) to them only giving us one more. And the fact that there's no food on the map either.
I guess I was lucky and completed the whole lava outfit here on the American Server. On the French server I wasn't as lucky and misclicked an answer two times (on separate days). So I never managed to collect the last item which was the skin and therefore didn't receive the hair either. I was almost chocked (I guess I shouldn't be?) they didn't even extend the event even for one more day or two. They probably wouldn't receive this many complaints had they only done that and pushed the community bar forward. Many of the answers were tricky and I got lucky on the first two I did on this server and succeeded but got scared I would mess up and eventually found a guide. Thank god for this community. Considering we're still able to buy color variations of both the Loki's outfit (for maana) and previous years outfits (for gold) AND the lava outfit, they could've put the rest of the lava outfit in the shop to. So at least, if you weren't able to complete it you could still buy it. They always "save" the best items to be the last ones you receive (like the skin, eyes, hair etc.). And obviously it's done not to please us, but to make us spend money.
I really wish they just could've made the event with the lava outfit longer, at least give the people 1-2 more days to finish and making up for misclicking or mistakes. There is no harm by making your players happy.

#112 11/04/2021 at 16:33
Maoyui wrote
LMAO, I totally forgot the Event was gonna end last night. Especially since the map is still up~ But whatever, I never cared about the Event from the start and there's barely anything to say about it. Worst Event of the year by far.
Event: Awful. Story based with only two chances per day? Barely any days to even do this Event means it was pretty much impossible to win the full outfit unless you got perfect answers every time. I didn't use a guide because my enthusiasm for this event was non-existent and I barely cared about the outfits. By the time I even knew a guide was out, it was already too late.
Outfits: Didn't care about any of them.
Companions: Don't remember what they looked like.
Illustration: Never saw it.
Overall: 0/10, forgettable, uneventful, not interesting, no incentive to try
If you hated everything about this event, what are you looking for in an event? What did this event not have, or what was an example of an event you liked?
#113 11/05/2021 at 03:53
I was busy and missed this event for a few days. When i was like ''now I'm gonna remember to do the event'' the event is over.. Usually the events forgive you if you miss few days.
I am shocked how short this was I don't think any event has been this short before?
I'm kinda sad since I liked the event outfit.
I am, who I am
And I am, who i was
And I am, who I'll always be~
#114 11/06/2021 at 00:37
brokenendings wrote
If you hated everything about this event, what are you looking for in an event? What did this event not have, or what was an example of an event you liked?
I'm looking for an Event to not be trash. That shouldn't be an absurd request but here we are.
This Event was so uneventful that I'll be surprised if any of us remember it even happened in two weeks. The Event itself was braindead. You can't even so much as misclick without it effectively locking you out of the full outfit after a single mistake. Beemoov literally REFUSES to make an Event that doesn't punish their players in some way that forces us to spend money if we make a single error.
Now fortunately this was not the worst thing in the world because the outfits were awful. Despite how bad the Event naturally is, even if it wasn't, what's the incentive to try to win when the prize isn't even worth it? None of the outfits this year were worth the effort and I pretty much just send my Companion out at random because there's just nothing I want.
The Companions, the second main prize, were unappealing and Beemoov didn't even want us to win the Legendary one what with how hard they make it to fill the meter EVERY time. But even more so with only 7 days to do it. Like what was anyone expecting? This site is far from active enough to put such restrictions on us like 2 chances per day to get the right answer for an outfit with more than 7 pieces in order to win the Companion.
The last main prize is the Illustration which, again, there is no incentive to get because there's no time to do it. None of these "stories" are interesting and making it so hard to win only discourages people from playing. Which, in turn, makes it so filling the meter is almost impossible.
We're long past the point of blaming stuff like this on the fire. Beemoov is just lazy. They put no effort into Events and are effectively just crapping one out so they don't get too many people spamming and asking for one. It's clearly become a chore to them because the quality of their Events has tanked pretty much since last year.
I have lost hope that they will get their act together on this. Given that the vast majority of players very literally only show up for the Event Outfits, you would think they would put more effort into them. But it would seem that they just don't care.

#115 11/07/2021 at 05:51
Maybe it's just me but I think the reason behind the halloween event seeming quite rushed this year is because of the new game beemoov released at the same time + planning new story chapters for mcl
Maybe there isn't enough employees for each game site to run and plan stuff or something so everyone works on every game site at the same time resulting in what we finns like to call multipasking* since this event didn't feel like it reached the level of the previous ones. Most of the effort went elsewhere this year thus resulting in such unfulfilling halloween event in eldarya.
* as in multitasking but make it shait
Last edited by LupusDemone (11/07/2021 at 07:47)

#116 11/07/2021 at 09:35
Thalia7 wrote
Each correct choice and completed exploration will be counted in the community meter. Once the meter is full, the guardians on the server will receive the Legendary Sleipnhorz companion!
One thing I don't get..If the explorations were one of the requirement needed to increase the community meter, then, for what kind of reason did you removed it?
Doesn't make any sense.
It's really odd. Especially since the meter was pretty close to finishing. If it was still here instead of removed with the whole page, we would've made it by now. Feel like Beemoov didn't think removing the page through

#117 11/07/2021 at 11:58
Was the Halloween companion food issue ever fixed?
This is the last day and still, no food item drops anywhere on the map.
Not that it's bad for me since I don't use any Halloween companion.
Just confused as to why a crucial part of the event was seemingly forgotten.
#118 11/08/2021 at 10:38
Vorona wrote
Thalia7 wrote
Each correct choice and completed exploration will be counted in the community meter. Once the meter is full, the guardians on the server will receive the Legendary Sleipnhorz companion!
One thing I don't get..If the explorations were one of the requirement needed to increase the community meter, then, for what kind of reason did you removed it?
Doesn't make any sense.
It's really odd. Especially since the meter was pretty close to finishing. If it was still here instead of removed with the whole page, we would've made it by now. Feel like Beemoov didn't think removing the page through
I had the same thought you did! A very small part of me was hoping to see, today, an announcement where they would have talk about their error (yes, I think it was a technical error if I rely on their announcement) but nothing. A grave silence on their part.I really hope they will not ruin also Christmas event, like they did with Halloween.
✰ ★ ✱ ✲ ✳ ✴ ✵ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ✺ ✻ ✼ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❇ ❈ ❉ ❊ ❋
Now just leaving a small thought about this event..
Speaking of the other servers (my main server is not the american one)..
They (we) have lost their (our) accounts because of that incident and this event should have repaid them (us) especially, for the loss because with the ancient coins, not all have recovered everything they (we) wanted, especially the collectors ... Instead, Beemoov put these ridiculous drop of "only two items that can be found at each ended exploration" (when there were + 4000 items in the map loool) and there was no food for our pets .. What a joke!!!
The map could have been arrange much better:
- You could have increase the drop with 5/6 items (with food for the pets and baits included)
- You could have make two maps (one with old items and one with the newest ones)
-You could have put items together according to their category (all dresses, together, in the same areas.. all hats in the same place etc.).
I did appreciate the new outfits, there were cute but I am disappointed on how this event was managed!!!!
Last edited by Thalia7 (11/08/2021 at 13:42)