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#51 12/24/2019 at 03:49

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 25

Thanks, Lixxith. Although it's not really how it reads but I'm glad it's not.

For those looking for the cat, Perceed, he appeared at the gift sac in preparation, the bait is a moonstone


#52 12/24/2019 at 03:57

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

AspenDarke wrote

Thanks, Lixxith. Although it's not really how it reads but I'm glad it's not.

For those looking for the cat, Perceed, he appeared at the gift sac in preparation, the bait is a moonstone
It appears randomly. I found it in the forest.


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#53 12/24/2019 at 07:08

Shadow Guard
Posts: 92

okay, so, i explored a little deeper this event and found out that is a bullshit. i am so sorry that i praised it at first.
like, random choices? recharge outfit? buying the illustration? beemoov,what is this?

you adopted love nikki's and blood in roses' things?
(the recharge thing i cannot say that they really copied love nikki, because many games have it. but damn. after love nikki became popular, they also put the recharge outfit, so i think they did it a little too obvious. because before that, they put the outfit as a bonus for finishing the event, not as a recharge.)
only in blood in roses, i've seen this thing with buying the illustration.

i don't really care about illustrations, now, because after that experiment with the "getting the illustrations depending on your previous choices" i started getting nothing, from episode 22. (only the automatic ones) but the recharge outfit thing annoys me the most. i still have hope that, next year, this recharge outfit will be available during exploration.

i've never seen such stupid and greedy people. like, you are even worse than my country. and believe me, my country is sooo greedy after money. people would do literally anything to get some money.

beemoov, you destroyed the christmas for thousands of players. and if you do not fix your bullshit, you will destroy the next ones as well.  let that sink in.


#54 12/24/2019 at 12:44

Shadow Guard
The Answer to Everything
Posts: 42

Excuse me, 100 GC just to get the next action? What are these people smoking? I don't mind spending money on the game, I love the aesthetic, story, and I like what the team puts out (most days.) I like supporting the Eldarya team! But that's a straight scam /static/img/forum/smilies/lol.png 20 GC would've been a little more reasonable, but y'all need to check yourselves...

☆My Profile Plays Music☆


#55 12/24/2019 at 12:47

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 2 309

LiPali wrote

Evelina wrote

- Beetroot yet again trying to get the last bits of money out of their players
Beetroot is now my new second favourite nickname (second only to ButtMoov/ButtMove of course)

Lol you're welcome

My Wishlist


#56 12/24/2019 at 13:32

Absynthe Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 260

I give up on getting the illustrations and the companion I'll just stick with picking choices that are ME and not a fake me, thank you very much.


#57 12/24/2019 at 13:45

Shadow Guard
Lieutenant of the Guard
Posts: 11 273

Anyone know rarity of the kitty? Want it, but might not put in as much effort if it’s rare/epic lol. Thanks


#58 12/24/2019 at 13:47

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 223

@Bewitch - It's rarity is Rare

I'm on the hunt for cheap event items! If you have unwanted items that are taking up space in your inventory that you want to sell, let me know!


#59 12/24/2019 at 14:06

Absynthe Guard
Sylph Sidekick
Posts: 979

Everything looks so beautiful! I love the outfits and for sure want both of the companions. Thank you!

I just wish there was a better or alternate way to get the illustrations so we have a better shot at getting the second companion.

Last edited by fallenbeyond (12/24/2019 at 15:13)


#60 12/24/2019 at 14:35

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 5

I am really disappointed that the Christmas event is the same format as Halloween event was. I didn't enjoyed the Halloween event at all. I didn't the illustration or all the outfits. It costs too much to get everything especially since the outfit are great. Plus I hate how short the event is as well. On MCL, it is the whole month of December. I hope I can a complete outfit this time and get the companion.


#61 12/24/2019 at 15:16

Shadow Guard
Vanquished a Chicken
Posts: 702

The outfits are pretty cute this year and the companion is as well, but the format is the same as Halloween and so they have officially ruined both of my favorite events. woo...


#62 12/24/2019 at 16:26

Obsidian Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 178

So back in the good old 2015 we got 11 outfits for Chrstmas. In 2016 we got 8 new outfits. In 2017 we got 6 new outfits. In 2018 we got 5. And now we get 3. And one of them is only for those with cash. This shouldn't be a surprise but....

What will we get next year? One new outfit? Is this a joke?

The quality of this game and my love for this game just keep sinking lower and lower...


#63 12/24/2019 at 17:20

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 265

Anyone else find it funny that Beemoov said they were going to not release the next episode so they could focus on the Christmas event, and its just an almost exact copy of the mostly hated Halloween event? Yup, Beemoov you really did end up "concentrating our efforts on the Christmas Event 2019." Anyways onto the review.

Graceful Fencer Outfit
Its an okay outfit, but I feel like it would be hard to mix other outfits with it. I do absolutely love the sword, especially since most of the swords we get are usually a bit funky looking and I'm glad we finally have a sword that isn't being wielded in our Guardian's hand.

Festive Pilgrim Outfit
Another okay outfit. I love the dress, socks, underwear, and the staff. I don't like the fact that there are a total of 24 rings, who wants that many rings that you can barely see when on your Guardian? I also don't like the eyes; it makes Guardian look like she is terrified of something.

Far North Sovereign Outfit
I don't buy bank outfits since I am not giving money to a company that's main focus is suck money out of players as much as they can and not deliver in quality as well as ignoring their players. Anyways this outfit is much better than the Halloween one; it does remind me of two outfit pieces we've had in the past.
^This is what I'm thinking it looks similar to; the Snow Queen dress and the Frozen Cape.

Both are really cute and I hope I get them.

Once again using the pointless format where you might as well stick to the 10 energy location because the outfit locations are pointless. Once again I feel bad since the Holy Knight is in exploration, which could only be obtained by gold so those who spent the money to get it spent their money for no reason. Finally I have had okay drop rates for outfit pieces (although I expect this to get worse as the event goes on) and surprisingly good bait drops. I can't say much about the drop rates of the companions since I've gotten one encounter so far, but its only the second day.

Once again they included one of the worst parts of the Halloween event. I can't say much of story since its barely started but if it's like the Halloween event than it is not going to be anything special. No doubt it will be like the Halloween event where the answers are pointless since the correct answers are shuffled and you'll be lucky if you get all three illustrations.

I don't really care for them much, they're just okay.

The Shop
Once again they decide to not add the other outfit pieces from past events except for the ones from last year and are all available only in gold.

Release Date
I think it was a bad idea to release so close to Christmas as there are going to be a lot of people busy those days with friends and family and won't have much time to check back into the event. Also only having the event for 10 days is not much time as compared to the 16 days we got last year for the event.

Overall I'm not surprised, Beemoov's quality in writing, episodes, and events has been going down. It just doesn't seem like they care anymore about their story or their players, and they only care about getting a quick buck. I'm really hoping they see all these complaints about the Halloween and Christmas event and change it back to the old way, but knowing Beemoov, they won't.

Last edited by CottonCandy (12/24/2019 at 17:22)


#64 12/24/2019 at 17:26

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 9

I don't understand half of the choices BM makes that barely seem to make sense even when looking at it from the $-$ standpoint but I really don't get the random locations for items.

Like, correct me if I'm wrong and there's some secret, but there seems to be no reason to not just sit in the same spot and farm it over and over.  It's random right?  There's no difference between where I click other than the maana and minutes?  No difference in quantity or quality?  So then what's the point?

Like, I don't understand putting items behind an exploration point and not telling anyone what's in it to begin with (I always have to remember that I have a stylish extension installed and that the game isn't set up that you know what you're gambling on getting, that doesn't make sense), but making it all completely random??

Has BM just gotten super mad with the kind people who dedicate time and money to getting walkthroughs made for their choices, who make it so people know what outfit pieces they can get so they've started making events that screw with them?  Is that why we have this new event format with choices that don't seem to matter and explorations that are just random overall?  That's the only thing I can think of that would explain why they think random is a good business decision.  They don't want people to use walkthroughs, they want that confusion and that "well I guess I have to spend money".

Hey BM.  You may think that people who try to make player's time easier is syphoning money from you but the best way to lose money is to something like this, to make it so that everything is made up and the points don't matter because at best you get annoyance and at worse you get apathy.

Nothing is more poisonous to a business than apathy and man BM, you're going to run out of angry players if you keep this up and everyone will just go quietly into that good night.


#65 12/24/2019 at 17:49

Shadow Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 213

Alright. I think I've already complained enough about this event format in my review of the Halloween event, so I'm just going to comment on what's new here.

The graceful fencer outfit overall looks like  a mess. It might just be the color they chose for the preview here, but eh. The hair is okay, finally getting a sword on the back is great. I probably won't end up using any pieces aside from those and the gloves.

The festive pilgrim outfit is good. The eyes look weird, but yellow sweet mourne eye bags help fix that. Other than that, I really like all the pieces aside from the tiny jewelry.

The bank outfit hair looks good. The rest of it isn't really exceptional, but it's not bad either. Not much to say on it.

Finally, the companions are cute. Doggos.
Kind of just makes me more mad about the whole mission illustration thing though.

So. Yep. This has been Undifferent's final event review of the year. thank you for the event bee movie

OwO what's this?...


#66 12/24/2019 at 18:55

Shadow Guard
Posts: 107

So far the event is alright, I am not an illustration-collector or in need of the new companions, so I don't mind that too much..but uhm we basically got ONE new outfit..?
(And no, the gold coin outfit that is now avaiable on the map, doesn't count, same as the bonus outfit which you can't even obtain without spending real money).
I understand the story thing takes time to do, but once the event is over, the story will be of no use, so why not spend more effort and time on nice creations and simply put them on the map and make them easy to collect?

I do see that some people also complain about map- only-events (some just always have stuff to complain about), so I would understand Beemoov wanted to try something new. But it is too painfully obvious that this was a financial choice and not for the sake of the players, so that's what angers people of course. One wouldn't have to be a genius to see that and I don't understand why Beemoov just goes with it??

Let's still enjoy the good stuff the event comes with and merry christmas to all the guards!

Last edited by Cailin (12/25/2019 at 01:02)

Solely pretty


#67 12/25/2019 at 12:17

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 52

CottonCandy wrote

Far North Sovereign Outfit
I don't buy bank outfits since I am not giving money to a company that's main focus is suck money out of players as much as they can and not deliver in quality as well as ignoring their players. Anyways this outfit is much better than the Halloween one; it does remind me of two outfit pieces we've had in the past.
^This is what I'm thinking it looks similar to; the Snow Queen dress and the Frozen Cape.

That too like it'll be available for free come next Xmas so the only point of buying it now is you get the gold for buying the illustrations that you missed, after that their is honestly no point because Beemoov is doing the bare minimum when it comes to outfits so I'm going to just wait for next year to get the only that I want from that outfit the hair. What kills me is that MCL is getting the best of the team but this is ridiculous.


#68 12/25/2019 at 13:54

Shadow Guard
Soldier of the Guard
Posts: 574

I don't care for the illustrations and the free outfits are ok, but is a bummer that the bonus companion is really pretty this time and this event is basically a lottery, in a way that should be illegal 'cause there is no way to know how this works. Basically just a scam of a event.

Lovecra wrote

CottonCandy wrote

Far North Sovereign Outfit
I don't buy bank outfits since I am not giving money to a company that's main focus is suck money out of players as much as they can and not deliver in quality as well as ignoring their players. Anyways this outfit is much better than the Halloween one; it does remind me of two outfit pieces we've had in the past.
^This is what I'm thinking it looks similar to; the Snow Queen dress and the Frozen Cape.

That too like it'll be available for free come next Xmas so the only point of buying it now is you get the gold for buying the illustrations that you missed, after that their is honestly no point because Beemoov is doing the bare minimum when it comes to outfits so I'm going to just wait for next year to get the only that I want from that outfit the hair. What kills me is that MCL is getting the best of the team but this is ridiculous.

No, outfits obtained from bank recharge are not available later. The Holy Knight outfit was the "cash only" outfit that you could buy direct from the shop last year, that's why is available for exploration this year.

TBH looks like the bank outfit from this year it's not worth the price, is just the wig, the crown and the dress... and that's it? no shoes, no underwear, is a pretty but very lazy outfit.



#69 12/25/2019 at 14:52

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 2 284

The bank outfit has six parts: wig, dress, skirt, gloves, crown and fur collar. But yeah no shoes or underwear.


#70 12/25/2019 at 15:15

Shadow Guard
The Answer to Everything
Posts: 1 709

wow, it really is disheartening to see that you can only use gold to buy outfits in the shop /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png
Then again, I'm not surprised considering how Beemoovs greed has been growing and growing

I was willing to spend a little bit of cash for gold in case I didnt have enough maana for what I wanted in the shop, but seeing as I'm given no choice, I think I'll pass.

Other companies are more worthy of my money /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png

Last edited by Salem (12/25/2019 at 15:16)

S  o     y  o  u ' r  e     a  f  r  a  i  d     o  f     t  h  e     d  a  r  k  ?
W  e  l  l     d  o  n  t     w  o  r  r  y     c  h  i  l  d   ,   f o  r     I     w  i  l  l     l  e  a  d    y  o  u     t  o     t  h  e     l  i  g  h  t


#71 12/25/2019 at 15:33

Shadow Guard
Lieutenant of the Guard
Posts: 11 273

Salem wrote

wow, it really is disheartening to see that you can only use gold to buy outfits in the shop /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png
Then again, I'm not surprised considering how Beemoovs greed has been growing and growing

I was willing to spend a little bit of cash for gold in case I didnt have enough maana for what I wanted in the shop, but seeing as I'm given no choice, I think I'll pass.

Other companies are more worthy of my money /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png

I hadn’t even realized the only fit we can buy with maana is the one with the space buns. Not even fender bender! Amazing Beemoov (:


#72 12/25/2019 at 23:23

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 23

Firstly, why did no one warn me that the Lord of the Cold will be so hot? Except in his illustration, saw it on tumblr and I gotta say his face looks jacked up. /static/img/forum/smilies/yikes.png

Secondly, I'm pleasantly surprised to see that the Graceful Fencer outfit can be sold on the market. I wish we could also get to sell the older event-exclusive items. I have some stuff from a Valentine's event from years ago that I'd love to swap for a different colour.


#73 12/26/2019 at 16:33

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

LiPali wrote

I'm pleasantly surprised to see that the Graceful Fencer outfit can be sold on the market. I wish we could also get to sell the older event-exclusive items. I have some stuff from a Valentine's event from years ago that I'd love to swap for a different colour.

As was pointed out to me in the other christmas thread, only the boots of the fencer outfit can be sold, so it's probably a bug. Also anyone who sells their only pair of boots makes it so they can't get the companion. They'd have to own another pair of boots to complete the event.


#74 12/27/2019 at 09:32

Shadow Guard
Posts: 101

You'd think with all the criticism they get, they'd do something that people would approve of
But no, they don't
- and that's what will be their doom

I bet a large part of their money-grab-scheme is because people stopped wanting to pay for gold and maana - and now they gotta get the money some other way, but most people aren't falling for it so now they're screwed and it's only getting worse


#75 12/27/2019 at 16:27

Shadow Guard
Posts: 88

They've gotten somewhat better making outfits available through exploration and only some require gold or actual money. And no more of those horrendous mini games too! But the point of a business is to make money because it takes money to run a business. When you're running a 'free to play' type game it's even harder. As someone who works for a game company with a free to play game I actually get it.

But that doesn't mean all of their tactics are acceptable. Some are even pure rip offs and downright unfair. There have to be better and fairer ways than to try ripping us off with underhanded methods. The payout for prices aren't an equal exchange, and some of the resources they charge for purchases are too damn high! Not everything can be free or else the company simply can't run, but they could be wiser and less greedy with their choices. And they should definitely listen to their players more often!

For an awesome band and comic check out September Mourning! New graphic novel now available!


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