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#51 02/13/2019 at 10:01

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 20

I am an Italian user...
I started the event. I created the gloves and I found many things in exploration. how can I keep going? I just wear my gloves, and yet I have lots of scrolls.

But on alchemy it allows me to create only gloves. where am I wrong?
thank you

Manas Eldarya: France (17.736) and Italy (25.036)


#52 02/13/2019 at 10:02

Shadow Guard
Posts: 93

since the release of the US server of eldarya I've only missed two events (a music/summer event because I didn't had internet at the time)

this might be the very first time I purposely refuse to play one /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png

I usually buy the legendary companion directly, but not even this time

I guess I'll keep looking for the scroll at the altar of fire for the alchemy companion

I just can't play this event even if I wanted to (bugs or not)

Miciona81 wrote

I am an Italian user...
I started the event. I created the gloves and I found many things in exploration. how can I keep going? I just wear my gloves, and yet I have lots of scrolls.

But on alchemy it allows me to create only gloves. where am I wrong?
thank you

pretty sure it's a bug

I've bought the eyes and head piece for Leiftan's outfit (the next one was the cape), but now it's forcing me to create eyes again

Last edited by Aozumi (02/13/2019 at 10:05)


#53 02/13/2019 at 10:06

Obsidian Guard
Soldier of the Guard
Posts: 562

I agree with the rest of comments, why making this Alchemy-style minigame?! & buggy to boot?!
I refused to pay that minigame before this because I want to save my maana for replays (even though I've got more than 60K maana, I still treasure my hard-work savings!)

Yes, I super hate last year Valentine's Day minigame disaster because that's the first event that I couldn't complete the collection & couldn't get the Rowtsya, but this type of maana-oriented minigame is plain terrible too!

Psy-Yuki wrote

I was reeeeeaaaally looking forward to buying some of the items from the previous Valentine's day event but it seems that only players who participated in the last event have access to the items in the shops (at least it appears this way to me, since my friend has access to everything while I see nothing).
I agree with you! Since I haven't completed most of Sword and Roses collection last year, I don't see any variations for them.
Urgh, how I hate this kind of treatment, seems like a punishment to losers.
The team have nothing to lose by giving us a chance to buy the old outfits, though. Why do this to us?

(I also hate that I couldn't buy anything with my .fr account unless with GC)

Last edited by Yam (02/13/2019 at 10:08)


#54 02/13/2019 at 10:09

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

thank you, next

i'm not really complaining for the outfits even tough they could have been better but for how this event works, it's not enjoyable.
I won't use so much maana, I need maana for episodes.

i'm really sorry and a little disappointed but i'll just skip this one /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png


#55 02/13/2019 at 10:14

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2

I made the sandals for Ezarel but then I'm stuck! I didn't receive any message saying I've made progress and I didn't get the next scroll /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png So what do I do now?


#56 02/13/2019 at 10:22

Obsidian Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 167

Well, I can already say that I'm not a fan of this event either..

But my companion has managed to find some items (Pink cloth & Perfect love essance) on the map, so I guess there is still some hope for this event?


#57 02/13/2019 at 10:26

Posts: 38

Honestly, I like the outfits, and the concept is cool cause it shows off the alchemy game... but even just crafting the item costs more than half your daily allowance. Not to mention, some of the crafting ingredients aren't found though exploration (like the dyes). So that's more maana to spend.

In past events, maana spending was entirely optional. In this event, it's mandatory if you want to even play, which sucks due to the price of crafting and buying items. It would be much more playable if the prices were reduced more.

Granted, Beemoov's games are designed as Pay To Win. That's no secret, it's designed the same as any other game that says "Either wait 24 hours to move 5 steps or give us money". They haven't exactly hidden that fact, and it's not surprising when they lean into that. That's the type of game Eldarya and their other games ARE. So I guess it is a little pointless to be mad at a company for playing into their game's design.

Regardless, the event could have still been designed to be cheaper, because honestly the people who want to spend money on the game WILL, and those who don't, WON'T.

Last edited by OliviaStarr (02/13/2019 at 10:31)


*:~My Tumblr~:*



#58 02/13/2019 at 10:38

Obsidian Guard
Vanquished a Chicken
Posts: 661

Me again.
I actually give up now. Companion is not that lucky with items and hatching another one is not worth it.
I'll just look through the shop and see which items I want to buy.
So far I am not a fan of most...I think Leiftan's one can pass.
And I said the third one fits Minah, but now I am not too sure about that.

Since we have essences to find during exploration or buy at the alchemy shop, it really makes me wonder why this event wasn't based on those different essence types in the first place...


#59 02/13/2019 at 10:42

Shadow Guard
Posts: 64

Gah... we are all stuck !


#60 02/13/2019 at 10:44

Shadow Guard
Soldier of the Guard
Posts: 462

Nathalydreigon wrote

Gah... we are all stuck !

I'm stuck too, it's getting annoying at this point


#61 02/13/2019 at 10:49

Posts: 3 520

I barely started it and I already know I'll hate this event... Even doing daily objectives would've been more fun.



#62 02/13/2019 at 10:54

Absynthe Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 166

I'm just thinking that did I miss something or they basicly ****ing did what they did... I have all pictures now so the event is completed for me BUT usually we get the companion at the end as a bonus. This time, I only got a message from Purriry to check out the companion shop cause they've discovered a new companion... Checked my inventory to make sure that the companion isn't there and yeah, it wasn't there. I cannot imagine what purpose this served other then losing the rest of your loyal community's support -.-

"Love can be easy unless you are wicked." - Faybaby, Mistress of Malice
Link to external image


#63 02/13/2019 at 10:54

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 6

I just crafted the eyes from Leiftan's outfit but it put me back to crafting the eyes wtf? I even spent manaas for the scroll... but it's still on the eyes..


#64 02/13/2019 at 10:58

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 25

Nothing says "I love and respect my fans" more than having to spend mana in the game for an event... and if you don't have mana? Well why don't you just open up that wallet of yours so we can exploit some more money out of you. Nice. Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Beemoov. You really just keep twisting that knife into our sides, huh?

It's ok though, eventually your fans will get annoyed enough to stop playing this game, because MCL is already a huge mess (and you obviously aren't learning from that mistake) and this one will soon follow.

Aside from, like usual during events, the site is acting like slow molasses in a tar pit which makes it extra fun.

Oh and for added "fun", I made the gloves for Nevra, it took the ingredients so I assumed it was made, then I bought other scrolls to make the rest of his outfit and yay! The gloves act as though I've never made them... so yeah... thanks for the lovely, extremely well working event that has absolutely no glitches. I swear the only time your events work are when they are just going on a map to find clothes. Or how about this? TEST YOUR EVENTS BEFORE RELEASING THEM TO THE PUBLIC!! Because i'm not the only one who is having issues here.

Last edited by AspenDarke (02/13/2019 at 11:09)


#65 02/13/2019 at 11:00

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

Thankfully I'm pretty stocked up on maana but it still sucks to have to spend it all on an event instead of progressing with the actuall game  /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png


#66 02/13/2019 at 11:01

Absynthe Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 039
"If you can’t fly, then run
Today we will survive
If you can’t run, then walk
If you can’t walk, then crawl
Even if you have to crawl, gear up
Aim your gun! Ready! Fire!"

Ok so... so... ugh
I like the outfits and the companion, but I'm honestly pissed off with the format.

First of all, it's ultra buggy, what forces me to not play today, but only explore and try to get some alchemy items to not have to buy them at the shop. I hope they fix that soon.

Secondly, it's NOT EVEN PLAYABLE for free. I hate what these games are gradually becoming. That alchemy game is a black hole for the maana...

Seriously, why couldn't it be like always? It wasn't perfect, but this already is like a bad joke. These things really make me consider to stop playing...

We were all excited for the event and now... Why? I'm disgusted at how Beemoov treats their customers, it really sucks.
In other companies they are constantly compensating all players for any minor bugs, here they don't care about their players at all

Last edited by Vaihanai (02/13/2019 at 11:29)


#67 02/13/2019 at 11:04

Shadow Guard
Lieutenant of the Guard
Posts: 10 359

✵Well, this is not the best event ... and I don’t like most of the items, only one dress and one wig... maybe next time... but I’m happy I could get the items I missed last events and that I can “date” Leiftan xD✵


#68 02/13/2019 at 11:15

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 10

Like what some other people said, I don't think I'm going to play this event /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png It's frustrating that they've forced us to play the alchemy game to participate and pay of bunch of mana; I really don't feel like doing that especially since I'm try to save so I can get caught up.

   The illustrations are super cute this time around too, it's shame I probably won't be able to get any.

   I think the outfits are ok, they're not the best (especially Valkyon's o.o )my favorite would probably be Leiftan's minus the the hair (I don't like the braid thingy across the forehead xD ) but I don't feel motivated to get them at all because of the buggy and expensive alchemy game.


#69 02/13/2019 at 11:15

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 139

I like the outfits, even if they're look like more of Spring outfits than Valentine ones, I think they look pretty.

But, why the alchemy minigame? I never made anything in that minigame, cause I rather spend my maana on something else than waste it there.

This event is gonna be the first one that I'm gonna completly skip. Requires way too much maana.


#70 02/13/2019 at 11:26

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 214

Faybaby wrote

This time, I only got a message from Purriry to check out the companion shop cause they've discovered a new companion... Checked my inventory to make sure that the companion isn't there and yeah, it wasn't there. I cannot imagine what purpose this served other then losing the rest of your loyal community's support -.-

What? So we don't get the Companion by finishing the Event? But I haven't finished and I can already see the Companion in the Shop. That's extremely disappointing if it's true since I don't even care that much about the outfits. I just want the Companion


#71 02/13/2019 at 11:31

Shadow Guard
The Answer to Everything
Posts: 1 709
E v e n   i n   t h e   d a r k e s t   o f   t i m e s

I don't really post on the event threads but... /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png


It's beyond disheartening that we have to spend maana to get the outfits, which I've gotten used to paying for outfits on MCL, but now that it's reached eldarya too? I think this may be the first event I actually skip. Shame.

Edit: Now I see posts that we don't get the companion after we complete the event?
It's still the first day of the event, so to me that seems like it would be a bug, but if not? Big yikes.
w e   w i l l   a l l   h a v e   o u r   l i g h t   t o   g u i d e   u s

Last edited by Salem (02/13/2019 at 11:37)

S  o     y  o  u ' r  e     a  f  r  a  i  d     o  f     t  h  e     d  a  r  k  ?
W  e  l  l     d  o  n  t     w  o  r  r  y     c  h  i  l  d   ,   f o  r     I     w  i  l  l     l  e  a  d    y  o  u     t  o     t  h  e     l  i  g  h  t


#72 02/13/2019 at 11:31

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 089

I love the outfits!
The dress in the first one is just lovely! Probably my favorite. From what I can tell about the hairs they are also quite nice too.

I do wish the first of each item was free like in previous events, and I absolutely hate the idea that there are gonna be alchemy items that I must make within a time limit instead of just whenever I want.


#73 02/13/2019 at 11:44

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

I Dont realy like this event I mean we have to use alchemy which means a huge loss of maana and the outfits are not even cute


#74 02/13/2019 at 11:45

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 27

I'm really sad that we can't buy a Rowtsya egg. I couldn't complete last year's event, so I had hope we could at least obtain one with gold coins. Rats.


#75 02/13/2019 at 11:53

Shadow Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 193

@Beemoov do y'all wanna lose all your free-to-play players that badly...?


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