Erbena wrote
I just bought the bank outfit but I didn't even get to choose the color I wanted it to be so I just got it as brown ._. Even though it said I could pick the color of my choice but there wasn't any color options. I just sent a mail for the team about this HOPING they let me replace it's color..
And btw happy Easter everyone!! ^-^
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#151 04/18/2019 at 19:18
#152 04/18/2019 at 20:58
@Mariamsky- I found a couple, but I was actively combing different pages to look for them. They're not super obvious to spot either.

#153 04/18/2019 at 22:53
The chocolate melting game is extremely difficult.
#154 04/18/2019 at 23:38
Ok I did alot better on the scales today (though the pattern was more generous where eggs appear right after another or towards the end) and was able to play the melting game. Thank goodness I watched a Youtube video to mentally prepare myself. Was able to do it on my first try with my laptop mousepad but don't like that I had to mash it to the point it could break. For tomorrow, I'm going to try my wireless mouse cuz I don't want to cause anymore harm to my laptop. [Yep, my mouse works too~]
Tips on the scale minigame:
-When starting or waiting for the next item to drop, have the scale slightly tipped right towards the trash. If it's junk, then tip the scale all the way right. If an egg, then immediately tip all the way left.
-If junk gets stuck on the scale, try tipping the scale back and forth.
-If that doesn't work, then use the next item that drops to help slide the one that's stuck (make sure you tip right so they go into the trash).
[-Depending on where junk is stuck and an egg drops, you might need to sacrifice that egg. It is better to lose an egg than to be penalized for getting trash into the egg basket. Scratch that one. You get penalized for both dropping eggs in the trash and junk in the egg basket...]
That's all I could think of for now. Hope the pointers were helpful~
Last edited by Anime0Lover (04/20/2019 at 06:54)
#155 04/19/2019 at 00:30
Is anyone else having issues with the melting chocolate game? My arrow will stay on green for most of the time, but at the end it keeps telling me I didn't melt it. I've tried multiple times with the same result. I also noticed how I agree to pay 30 manna for another try but I won't see a reduction in my manna. Is there some sort of bug?
Always be with you

#156 04/19/2019 at 02:50
Mariamsky wrote
Am I the only one who couldn't find a single egg today? I literally searched for these eggs everywhere, but I didn't find any. I can't even play the first game -my keyboard is broken- so the 5 daily eggs would really help me.
I had a similar situation yesterday where I didn't see a single egg on the site. Then I visited the event page and begun my search again, and boom, the eggs appeared on the site. So I'd suggest visiting the event page before searching any eggs, perhaps it makes them appear.
Today I also learned that the scale minigame is not as fun as I though. I got four items stuck on the scale - two eggs and two scrap all mixed up - and I had to tilt them to the trash. This is how I learned that having an egg go to the trash gives you a penalty of -1 egg and that you can even go to negative egg count on the game. Luckily I managed to counter that with the later aggs on the game, but I think it is outrageous that you could end up losing your previously collected eggs by playing this minigame. It does not compare at all to the regular mini games where the worst-case scenario is to get a zero result.
Scale game img
#157 04/19/2019 at 03:09
This event could be great if the melting game wasn't so stupid! It is a pain. I have replayed it a dozen times and I have only managed to win once. That is not good odds.
I like the outfits and the companion is unique. I am just so pissed off at the melting game. The sorting game is okay. At the moment I'm going this event 3 star rating.
#158 04/19/2019 at 05:16
I have yet managed to have played the melting game successfully, every time I try no matter how hard I keep clicking the arrow wont move from freezing, up and down it goes with one singular motion and absolutely nothing happens even paid, nothing... what an horrible bug feast this event is. Also, it appears that if I didn't manage to find all 5 eggs from previous day I will not have new ones.
#159 04/19/2019 at 06:01
...if you lose an egg to the trash, well, you've not collected it in the first place, so you only lose one egg total, not two.[/quote]
That's how I expected it to be, but my egg count actually GOES DOWN if I drop an egg in the trash. It's happening on my French account, too. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed this? Thanks for the response, I do appreciate it, but I really am losing two eggs when I do that, the one that fell in the trash, and one from my egg bucket.
#160 04/19/2019 at 06:04
For some reason I can't open the first minigame at all. It worked fine yesterday and for the first attempt (or fine and fine, stuff getting stuck on the board even when turned full right/left) but now it wont open at all. I can click the button but the game window just does not happen. Does anyone know is this fixable?
//edit: The game started working again after some minutes, I still don't have idea why it stopped working in the first place or how it started working again.
Last edited by Doto (04/19/2019 at 06:24)
#161 04/19/2019 at 06:06
For some reason, I can't open the scales minigame today even though it was working perfectly fine yesterday? Anyone else experiencing the same problem?
EDIT: oops nevermind, it's working again now
Last edited by SeikiSeiki (04/19/2019 at 06:32)
#162 04/19/2019 at 06:13
It lagged super hard for me when I played it to the point I had a ton of trash stacked on the scale that wouldn't moveSeikiSeiki wrote
For some reason, I can't open the scales minigame today even though it was working perfectly fine yesterday? Anyone else experiencing the same problem?
#163 04/19/2019 at 08:38
I too have found nothing in exploration since the start of the event.
#164 04/19/2019 at 09:24
Yes, the same happened to me as well. I posted a picture in a spoiler a few posts earlier in this thread where a negative egg count shows, which can only be a result of this kind of situation where I not only lose the egg that goes into trash but am also losing one already collected egg as well.Ylsa wrote
...if you lose an egg to the trash, well, you've not collected it in the first place, so you only lose one egg total, not two.
That's how I expected it to be, but my egg count actually GOES DOWN if I drop an egg in the trash. It's happening on my French account, too. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed this? Thanks for the response, I do appreciate it, but I really am losing two eggs when I do that, the one that fell in the trash, and one from my egg bucket.
#165 04/19/2019 at 09:28
Anime0Lover wrote
you might need to sacrifice that egg. It is better to lose an egg than to be penalized for getting trash into the egg basket.
The thing is... if you drop an egg into the trash, you still get penalized. Happened like three time to me today. I started at -1 cause the first egg landed in the trash bin.

#166 04/19/2019 at 09:50
Day 3
Yep, your Melting game IS broken beyond redemption. I'm not going to waste time on this anymore.
#167 04/19/2019 at 10:30
Has anyone been able to get the illustration? I finished the whole event cause I couldn't be bothered looking for eggs daily but the illustration that's supposedly be unlocked automatically didn't come up.
Just a uni student struggling to find time to sleep...
#168 04/19/2019 at 10:59
PacifyHer wrote
What worked for me was playing the melting game on my phone rather than my laptop. I waited until I had about 20ish seconds to start tapping with my thumb in order to make sure the arrow was on the correct zone by when it ended. Maybe this helps someone lol.
If anyone is struggling with the melting game, try this method and see it if helps a little bit.

W e l l d o n t w o r r y c h i l d , f o r I w i l l l e a d y o u t o t h e l i g h t
#169 04/19/2019 at 11:06
CindyHarbour19 wrote
Has anyone been able to get the illustration? I finished the whole event cause I couldn't be bothered looking for eggs daily but the illustration that's supposedly be unlocked automatically didn't come up.
I haven't been able to get the illustration even after I unlocked all 13 pieces for the outfit. I was told by someone else that the dialog is suppose to change after getting the pieces, so at least I know I'm not the only one who had issues with it.
#171 04/19/2019 at 15:33
This event has been better than the valentines event, but as people have mentioned there seems to be problems with bugs disrupting the event. I have tried playing the chocolate melting game and even though i have succeeded it has told me that i have not melted enough chocolates even though i have the required amount, and i have made sure that i was playing to correctly which i was keeping it at the right temperature, its a little off putting because then it asks me if i want to replay it by paying 35 maana. Its not the best in terms of consistency, the event works one moment than the next its not and lags and so on, but as i said it's at least better than the valentines event, though i admit i miss the special exploration part of the event.
#172 04/19/2019 at 15:34
Urg, I can't win the melting game! I already spent 60 maanas and nearly broke my mouse. It's so stressful...
#173 04/19/2019 at 15:41
The mini game is kinda annoying, having actually played it to be completely honest... it's still better then a alchemy based event though.

#174 04/19/2019 at 16:16
The first one was so boring and it took so long to finally get an egg after a pile of garbage and I just felt like falling asleep not to mention you have to play it 3 times and sometimes the garbage would get stuck on the balance which screws me up.
The melting one was super annoying to play since it's just spamming my mouse but it's just really tedious.
The outfit is eh?... Nothing interesting honestly kinda plain
Last edited by Hunterbllue (04/19/2019 at 16:16)

#175 04/19/2019 at 16:54
Anyone else having problems with their melting minigame? I have purchased 4 retries by now, and I always got the temperature right (my arrow was green always), yet it says I didn't do it correctly, and I can't win it..